Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hello everyone! I've already read Animal Dreams a couple of times. It isn't that common for me to re-read books anymore, so that is saying something. It seems like a very simple story though, and I'm not sure quite what about it drew me in so much. I'll be interested to hear your thoughts. I'm quite a fan of Barbara Kingsolver. My grandmother is always reading terrible murder mysteries or Mauve Binchy, and I managed to convince her to read some Kingsolver, (Pigs in Heaven I think), which she really enjoyed.

I've been in my post-school, reading for the sake of reading phase of things. This means I basically read as fast as I can just to be reading something, because my brain wants to be entertained all of the time. I just finished Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen, which I really enjoyed. It's good escapism, because the book places you in such a different world and is wonderfully plot-driven.  I'm about to make the plunge into another book, and I haven't quite decided what. Does anyone have recommendations for California history? I need to educate myself a bit for my job I think.

I've been trying to think what times might be best for the gchat thing. I realistically probably can't do any time before 7pm on weekdays, which might be a bit late for East Coast people, but then weekends seem tricky because people might have commitments. I suppose we can just commit to a day on some weekend and make the effort to be there. Any thoughts?

Missing you all already...


shila said...

B-wine--While I have a hometown bias, I recommend Steinbeck if you are into California themed reading. It is not exactly history but he does a fantastic job capturing the spirit of California communities in cannery row and tortilla flats.

I haven't read East of Eden yet and really want to read it.

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